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Membership Standard

For Full Operator Membership of the SSA UK (2008)


Definition of Self-Storage

As the SSA states, ‘Self-storage is the term applied to secure storage facilities that offer do-it-yourself storage space for members of the public and businesses. In essence, it’s your own tailored secure space away from home or the business.’

To qualify for Full Operator Membership of the SSA (UK) the following minimum standards are required:


A self-storage facility MUST:

  • Have a secure defined perimeter, which could be the building itself and/or a perimeter fence. This perimeter should be substantial, especially in locations that host mixed types of businesses or storage facilities. Each business or storage area within the location must have their own separate and controlled access.
  • Allow customer-only access control to the self-storage area.
  • Be clean, dry, and watertight.
  • Have CCTV systems monitoring critical access and exit points with recording for at least 14 days.
  • Comply with all Fire and Health & Safety Regulations.
  • Have fire and security alarms that are monitored.
  • Comply with Asbestos Regulations.
  • Have a customer reception area.
  • Have customer and staff amenities.
  • Include internal signage specifically notifying customers of Health & Safety, no-smoking, and Fire Regulation requirements.

Public Advice Notice

The operators of a self-storage facility MUST:

  • Adopt the principles recommended in the attached Police Advice Notice.
  • Emphasise all aspects of security to customers.
  • Make it clear what goods are prohibited for storage, using posters, and on initial meeting with customers before any contract is signed.
  • Request two forms of identification (copies to be taken and filed).
  • Insist on all, at least, initial payments being made by credit card or cheque. Cash should not normally be accepted.

Room/Space Security

Each separately occupied space should be constructed out of robust materials such as steel or brick and MUST HAVE:

  • A separate lockable access.
  • A secure perimeter.
  • Security from first access through to the adjacent rooms/unit space.

Customer Access

A self-storage facility MUST:

  • Have direct access for customers to their allocated room/unit space.
  • Provide suitable mechanical assistance for access, or provide suitable stairs to upper floors and double-stacked containers, which must meet all known H&SE regulations.

Form of Contract

The operators MUST also offer a contract substantially based on the SSA (UK) standard terms and conditions. Specifically, the contract MUST:

  • Be printed in easily legible size format and copies made freely available to customers and prospective customers.
  • Include the customer’s warranty of the True Total Value of the Goods.
  • Be separately signed by the customer to confirm their understanding of each of the following:
  1. 1. The customer’s obligation to secure the unit.
  2. 2. The customer’s ownership of the goods and authority to store them.
  3. 3. Prohibited Goods.
  4. 4. Non-exclusive possession of the unit and the alternative unit.
  5. 5. Additional charges payable.
  6. 6. The operator lien over the goods.
  7. 7. The customer’s obligation to check the suitability of the unit for the goods.
  8. 8. The customers obligation to insure and understand that the operator does not insure the goods under the contract 9. Termination of the agreement.
  9. 10. Use of Data.
  10. 11. Define the room(s)/space(s) to be occupied.
  11. 12. Define the charge period.
  12. 13. Define the price and method of payment.
  13. 14. Inform the customer of prohibited goods as set out in the SSA (UK) recommended Licence to Store Goods agreement (amended as appropriate by the operator’s own insurers’ requirements).
  14. 15. Make clear the position on insurance of the goods that are being stored.
  15. 16. Define the right to occupy as a Licence and not a tenancy.



A self-storage company (and its facilities) MUST:

  • Carry insurance against the property for the main perils of fire, flood, storm, etc (this will normally be a Landlords responsibility)
  • Carry warehousekeeper liability insurance for goods that are stored – to cover for example negligence on behalf of the operator.
  • Carry Public Liability Insurance to a minimum value of 2 million.
  • Carry any insurance required by legislation (e.g. Employers Liability) where applicable.
  • Insist that it’s customers who insure their goods.
  • If insurance is provided by the self-storage company the customer must be given very clear and proper insurance paperwork with some form of explanatory notes and details of the cover and exclusions.


This code will:

  • Apply to all members of the SSA UK
  • Relate directly to the conduct of members generally
  • Become effective from 1 July 2008

1. Status

1.1 – This Code of Conduct (the Code) is a By-law, made under Article 12.2.2 of the SSA UKs Articles of Association. It is a non-comprehensive set of good practices and rules which will be used as a benchmark in cases where conduct is alleged to have fallen below the generally accepted standards.

1.2 – The Code is a statement of professional responsibility as a member of the SSA UK. It places a firm obligation on SSA UK members to behave in such a way as to uphold the integrity and propriety of the Association.

1.3 – Any dispute or difference, which may arise as to the meaning or interpretation of this Code, shall be resolved by the Board of Directors of the SSA UK.

2. Courtesy

2.1 – The SSA expects members to behave in a manner consistent with the status of the Association and similar to other professional associations. Allegations of inappropriate conduct will be dealt with in accordance with the constitution and/or By-laws of the SSA UK.

2.2 – Members will at all times behave with courtesy and respect to all other members and their guests or third parties with whom they come into contact at any SSA UK or SSA UK-arranged event or meeting wherever it may be held.

2.3 – Likewise, members must not behave towards other SSA UK members or their guests, in any way which may bring themselves, the SSA UK, or its members, into disrepute.

2.4 – Any form of aggressive, rude, offensive or anti-social language or behaviour will not be acceptable and could ultimately lead to the expulsion of the member.

3. Duty as an SSA UK Member

3.1 – Members shall:

3.1.1 – uphold the high professional reputation of the SSA UK and maintain high standards of business integrity;

3.1.2 – maintain awareness of industry development and standards and conform to recognised good practice within the industry;

3.1.3 price their services fairly and conduct their business honestly;

3.1.4 – only promote their business through ethical and honest advertising;

3.1.5 – for operators, provide their customers with a safe, efficient and clean facility;

3.1.6 – maintain the highest concern for the health, well-being and safety of their customers and employees;

3.1.7 – promote the self-storage industry through improvements in operations for the benefit of their customers;

3.1.8 – encourage the professional development of themselves and other members;

3.1.9 – promote sound legislative proposals affecting the self-storage industry;

3.1.10 – preserve high standards of conduct in themselves and the self-storage industry; and

3.1.11 – do not use the SSA UK logo and/or their membership of the SSA UK to promote a business where there is a conflict of interest (such conflict to be determined by the Board of Directors of SSA UK, in its absolute discretion) with a Full Operator Members business.

4. SSA UK Events & Meetings

4.1 – An SSA UK member or guest may be excluded, temporarily or indefinitely, from any event or meeting of the SSA UK or arranged by the SSA UK in the interests of security, safety or propriety.

4.2 – Reasons for taking such action include non-compliance with this code, behaving inappropriately, causing disruption, embarrassment, or offense, abusing members or their guests, or if the SSA UK member or their guest is intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

4.3 – For the convenience of the majority, members attending any event or meeting of the SSA UK may not:

4.3.1 – use mobile telephones or other noisy equipment in such a way as to cause inconvenience and disturbance to other members; or

4.3.2 – smoke in designated no-smoking areas.

5. Damage, injury and loss

5.1 – The SSA UK accepts no liability for death or personal injury caused to a member or guest, for theft, loss of or damage to personal property, clothing or effects of a member or guest at any event or meeting, unless such loss or damage is proved by such member or guest to have occurred as a result of the SSAs negligence or breach of contract.

This By-law is binding on members.
